Don't intend to create a blog actually, as i already have other blogs from other websites. But i guess the design and layout here is more convenient and easy ba. So here i am blogging ^^ As usual, i am at home doin nothing much once again. Playing gunbound, maple,chat,blog. So bored. Graduated from poly, while most of the graduates seem busying looking around for jobs, I am practically doin nothing. Why? Because I have a dream. To most of u all it might seem to be a dream that is very hard to realise, but besides this i see no interest in other jobs. To be an actor/singer/DJ. Entertainer. Actually i quite regreted getting into the course in poly which is multimedia computing cause i found out i don really learn much from there and thats not my real interest. Have thought of picking up mass communication as i yearned to be a DJ, however cant get in as my english got a C6. Morever i am more confortable to pick up chinese mass comm compared to english as well.. u noe, my chinese rocks =X I noe how to entertain people and i really did thought that i can actually get into showbiz. The thing now is that i need opportunites. Hmm.. this year i think there's a star search competition held and i think i am gonna join it. But don really dare to tell people what i plan to do cos im scared they think i am juz day dreaming. So well.. here's another way to express my thoughts here. As i need to serve bond for Singapore after i graduate, if i did not met it into the competition, i guess all i can do is to serve the bond and go take up mass comm dip/degree over again. hope it is nv late to learn anything again ><
Talking about relationships.. maybe i don really noe how to handle them ba.. so results in breaking off wif my stead. I think both of us are at fault, and I know i break because staying together wont get us to anywhere.. as there's lack of trust and as we held different thinkings. Maybe she's right.. i'm a dull and boring person,cos i don really know what to do in a relationship =/ well.. what i can do now is let things go naturally ba..
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